Are you a low-risk gambler?

Don't Lose Your SH*T...
Gambling can be an enjoyable source of entertainment. If not done responsibly, gambling can lead to issues—and can become addictive. Our approach to safe gambling is one of education—helping others understand what low-risk gambling is, so that they can gamble responsibly if they choose to play.
your BET CAN BE fun & responsible!
For many, gambling can be an enjoyable source of entertainment. But it can lead to problems for individuals and families—as well as be addictive. Our goal is for everyone to understand their what low-risk gambling means and how to use wisdom when betting for fun!
Know the warning signs

"6% of college students in the U.S. have a serious gambling problem that can result in psychological difficulties, unmanageable debt and failing grades. Nearly all U.S. colleges and universities have policies on student alcohol use; however, only 22% have a formal policy on gambling."
— Sources: National Center for Responsible Gaming and National Problem Gambling Council